Orfei #1 Pic of the Day on Vogue.it

Orfei #1 from Circus series has been chosen as “Photograph of the day “
Orfei #1 from Circus series has been chosen as “Photograph of the day “
Orfei #2 from Circus series has been chosen as “Photograph of the day “
Orfei #2 from Circus series has been chosen as “Best of Photovogue”
“Carreira 12” has been selected “Best of Photovogue”
“NY #02” from NY series has been selected “Best of Photovogue”
“NY #01” from NY series has been selected “Best of Photovogue”
Medrano #1 from Circus series has been included in the “Best of Photovogue” selection.
Four talented PhotoVoguers among the winners of the prestigious Prix de la Photographie Paris 2013 award.
A Glimpse at Photo Vogue, the opening party
Save the date…
“A Glimpse at Photo Vogue”, Galleria Carla Sozzani, Milano
13 giugno 2013 h 18