on Fubiz

BKK series featured guest on Fubiz
BKK series featured guest on Fubiz
Prix de la Photographie Paris announces winners of PX3 2016 competition
Pei Ho Honorable Mention @ PX3
Prix de la Photographie Paris announces winners of PX3 2015 competition
Prix de la Photographie Paris Px3 announces winners of PX3 2014 competition. Riccardo Magherini of Italy was Awarded: Honorable Mention in category Fine Art for the entry entitled ” Medrano #01″
The jury selected PX3 2014’s winners from thousands of photography entries from over 85 countries.
Prix de la Photographie Paris Px3 announces winners of PX3 2013 competition.
Riccardo Magherini of Italy was Awarded: First Prize in category Fine Art for the entry entitled, ” Electric Sheep series ”
The jury selected PX3 2013’s winners from thousands of photography entries from over 85 countries.
Prix de la Photographie Paris (Px3) announces winners of PX3 2012 competition.
Riccardo Magherini of Italy was Awarded in category for the entry entitled, ” Firenze series_Pitti .”
The jury selected winners from thousands of photography entries from over 85 countries.