Firenze series Shortlisted at London International Creative Competition 2012

“Firenze series” by Riccardo Magherini has been awarded with Shortlist award at London International Creative Competition 2012.
“Firenze series” by Riccardo Magherini has been awarded with Shortlist award at London International Creative Competition 2012.
Prix de la Photographie Paris (Px3) announces winners of PX3 2012 competition.
Riccardo Magherini of Italy was Awarded in category for the entry entitled, ” Firenze series_Pitti .”
The jury selected winners from thousands of photography entries from over 85 countries.
International Photography Awards has announced the winners of 2012’s competition.
London 16-06-2012
“Tokyo stories n°1” has been awarded with Honorable Mention by the 7th Black and White Spider Awards.
Professional photographer Riccardo Magherini of Italy was presented with the 5th Annual Photography Masters Cup Nominee title in the category of Fine Art at a prestigious Nomination & Winners PhotoShow.
Riccardo Magherini was awarded an Honorable Mention in Fine art – People category for the winning entry “Shibuya” at the International Photography Awards 2011