"Orfei #2" Best of Photovogue

Orfei #2 from Circus series has been chosen as “Best of Photovogue”
Orfei #2 from Circus series has been chosen as “Best of Photovogue”
Prix de la Photographie Paris Px3 announces winners of PX3 2014 competition. Riccardo Magherini of Italy was Awarded: Honorable Mention in category Fine Art for the entry entitled ” Medrano #01″
The jury selected PX3 2014’s winners from thousands of photography entries from over 85 countries.
“NY #02” from NY series has been selected “Best of Photovogue”
“NY #01” from NY series has been selected “Best of Photovogue”
International Photography Awards Announces Winners of the “One Shot: One World” Competition.
Riccardo Magherini was Awarded: Honorable Mention in People category for the winning entry “Battistero”
Medrano #1 from Circus series has been included in the “Best of Photovogue” selection.
2013 Black & White Spider Awards Announces Winners.
Riccardo Magherini was awarded Nominee with “More human than human” entries from Electric sheep series.
2013 International Photography Awards Announces Winners of the Competition.
Riccardo Magherini was awarded : Honorable Mention in Fine Art – Collage category for the winning entry “Electric Sheep” series.
Four talented PhotoVoguers among the winners of the prestigious Prix de la Photographie Paris 2013 award.
Prix de la Photographie Paris Px3 announces winners of PX3 2013 competition.
Riccardo Magherini of Italy was Awarded: First Prize in category Fine Art for the entry entitled, ” Electric Sheep series ”
The jury selected PX3 2013’s winners from thousands of photography entries from over 85 countries.